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My story in the making
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Born in 1968, my childhood was spent freely playing and exploring in the enchanting Norfolk countryside I grew up in. As an artist, my father had a huge influence on me. He helped me to see the beautiful, simple and profound things around me. Also a writer, he introduced me to many of the fascinating local characters such as the naturalist Ted Ellis who was his great friend.
The joy of these encounters remains and I love to discover people and their places and weave them into my own stories.
Reading Kit Williams’ Masquerade was the first time I fell in love with words and pictures playing together on the printed page, but C.S. Lewis remains for me the master of storytelling and the greatest inspiration of all. Like C.S. Lewis, my belief in a loving, heavenly Father naturally influences my work and brings light and shade to each project.
I studied illustration at Manchester Metropolitan University and graduated in 1991. I have enjoyed a career in publishing ever since. This has included illustrating, writing, creative direction and founding and running the publishing house Pupfish Ltd with my husband Jon.
Jon and I married in 1992. We have three delightful, creative girls and live in the Peak District, England, in an old Dairy Farm, on a windy hill.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]